At any given time, on any given day, the topic of parenting teenage boys dominates my private practice. Parent’s...
Resource Library
Social Media Rules of Engagement: Parent’s Edition
Social media is here to stay and parents need to get on board. Apps such as such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat,...
Teenage Anxiety- Symptoms and Solutions
Whether they deserve it or not, teenagers have a reputation for being moody, belligerent and oftentimes downright...
7 alternatives when college isn’t an option
7 Alternatives when college isn't an option A Guide for Parents of recent high school graduates I've had many parents...
Teenage Suicide: Facts, Signs & Taking Action
What are the facts regarding teenage suicide? • More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer,...
4 Steps to address adolescent anxiety
Question of the Week: "School has been in session now for a few weeks. I thought that my son's anxiety and stress...
Communicating With Your Teenager
Morty is my 5 year old dog, a miniature dachshund that has a mind of his own and a stubborn personality; a standard...
Reflective Parenting – How do you do it
What is reflective parenting? The Theory of Reflective Parenting was developed by Peter Fonagy and his colleagues at...
A Parent’s Guide to Teens, Drugs & Alcohol Use
I receive hundreds of questions about how parents should react to their teenager who is using drugs and alcohol. Some...
A Parent’s Guide To Teen Anxiety
Whether they deserve it or not, teenagers have a reputation for being moody, belligerent and oftentimes downright...
Parenting Young Men Is Not For Wimps
At any given time, on any given day, the topic of parenting teenage boys dominates my private practice. Parent’s...
7 Parenting Tips for the Dog Days of Summer
Summer with our children can be and feel LONG. We get many parents who are looking for something for their children to...
When College Isn’t In The Cards
“YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?!” -7 alternatives when college isn’t an option. …a guide for parents of...